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Silicea Terra 200 - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 820
Silicea Terra is a homeopathic medicine which is also known as pure flint. Since it is prepared from all genuine raw materials, it is free from impurities. It helps children...
R48 Pulmosol Drops For Pulmonary Diseases - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Pulmonary weakness and first appearance of tuberculous diseases. Complementary remedy in bronchial asthma, chronic pulmonary catarrh, cough resulting from excessive smoking. Complementary or alternative remedy in all catarrhal affections of...
R32 Antihidrosin Drops For Hyperhidrosis - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Undue perspiration (hyperhidrosis of varying genesis). Climacteric flushing, with sweat. Excessive perspiration during acute infectious diseases and fever. Other forms of perspiration (unpleasant smell). Nocturnal perspiration with exhaustion (pre-tuberculous cases)....
R23 Nosoderm Eczema Drops - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
R 23 Eczema Drops by Dr. Reckeweg is a homeopathic medicine, which improves the skin condition in patients with different types of eczema and similar skin disorders. It helps decrease...
Echinacea Q - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,180
Reckeweg Echinacea Q Mother Tincture has been shown to improve immunity, blood sugar, inflammation and skin health. It also has anti-cancer properties. It is also beneficial for treating blood related...
Agnus Castus Ø, 20ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,180
People use vitex agnus-castus for conditions related to the menstrual cycle such as breast pain and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It is also used for bone fractures, infertility, menopause symptoms, and...
Thuja Occidentalis 30, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 740
Reckeweg Thuja Occ Dilution is an effective remedy to gain relief from rheumatic and arthritic pains. It soothes pain in the bones and joints. It is also useful in the...
Calcarea Carbonica 200, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 955
Calcarea Carbonica enhances the work of the body functions. It is useful in swelling of glands and chronic lung infections. Oral problems such as toothache and bleeding of gums can...
Chelidonium Majus 30, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 740
Chelidonium majus helps support liver health and remove harmful toxins from the body. It can also be used to address indigestion, eczema and sleeping disorders. It is a helpful remedy...
R39 Sinistronex Drops for Ovaries (Left) - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
IndicationsAffections of the ovaries (left side), parametria and annexes. Cysts, inflammation, tumours. Beneficient action in case of inflammation; annexitis, salpingitis, parametritis, and cysts of the ovaries. The present remedy should...
R38 Dextronex Drops for Ovaries (right side) - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Affections of the ovaries, right side, inflammation of the ovaries (right side), adnexitis, salpingitis, parametritis. Cysts and benign tumours of the ovaries, oedema of the larynx, after-effects of stynx and...
R36 Drops for Diseases of the Nerves - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
IndicationsOver-sensitivity in the nervous system of children in respect of happenings due to varying causation; nervous diseases, as well as St. Vitus'dance, are all cases to be treated by detoxicant...
R33 Buforan Drops for Epilepsy - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Epilepsy and epileptoid attacks, twitching muscles. Mode of action of main Ingredients: The ingredients form specific therapeutic antigens. Bufo: Specific remedy against epileptic fits and progressive weakness. Cuprum: Against all kinds of...
R11 Lumbagin for Rheumatism - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,270
IndicationsAcute and chronic myalgia, lumbago, rheumatic diathesis aftereffects of drenchings, sprains, over straining. Back pains of unknown genesis. Growing pains in muscles and bones.Sciatica from getting wet, from sitting on...
Mullein Oil Drops For Ear - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,620
Mullein oil is an oil that is excellent for treating ear aches and ear infections. Made from the Verbascum plant, Mullein Oil has a long history for its herbal uses....
Pulsatilla Pratensis 200, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 810
Pulsatilla is a plant. The parts of the plant that grow above the ground are dried and used as medicine. Pulsatilla is used for painful conditions of the male or...
Lycopodium Clavatum 30, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 740
Lycopodium Clavatum is used for the treatment of hosts of issues ranging from bloating, liver complaints, rheumatic and arthritic pains. It helps in curing digestives disorders associated with liver and...
R81 Maldol Drops for Analgesic - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,270
Headaches, neuralgic pains, myalgic pains, arthralgia. Mode of action of main Ingredients Anamirta cocculus (Cocculus):Â Vertigo caused by a variety of circumstances, occipital headache, algospasms, menstrual pains. Aranea diadema: Dysarteriotony, recurrent...
R76 Herbamine Forte Drops for Asthma - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,270
Constitutional asthma-therapy. Mode of action of main Ingredients: As prolonged cure "Asthma forte" has a favourable influence on the constitution of asthmatic dispositioned persons. Aconitum: Stabbing pain in the chest,...
R57 Scorosan Pulmonary Tonic Drops - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Indications: Weakness of the perenchymateous organs, specially of the lungs, frequently characterized by weakness of the back, nocturnal perspiration, sensitivity to colds, disturbances of the blood circulation (cold feet), lack...
R56 Oxysan Drops For Worms - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Worms of all types, ascarides and oxyures. Subventional remedy in specific mortification processes (i.e. of a taenia). Mode of action of main Ingredients: R 56 is not a fast acting...
R46 Manurheumin Drops for Arthritis of Fore-arms and Hands - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
In rheumatism and gout of fore-arms and hands, with swelling of articulations. In acute cases, benumbedness and swelling of articulations, characteristics in arthritis with deformation. Frequently such pains grow worse...
R37 Drops for Intestinal Colic - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 980
IndicationsFlatulent colic, meteorism, porphyrinuria, intestinal colic, abdominal spasms of varying genesis which are characteristic in porphyrinuria and affected liver. Cirrhosis of the liver, bilious colic; colic in saturnism, dysmenorrhoea; Complementary...
R31 Contraemin Drops for Anaemia - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Anaemia; lack of appetite, especially among children; often accompanied by swellings. After-effects of acute ailments. All kinds of anaemia frequently induced by the new toxicant effect of the treatment of...
R2 Aurin Gold Drops For Essentia Aurea - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Indications: Organic and functional affections of the heart, mainly cardiac neurosis. Nervous perturbations. Arrhythmia, tachycardia, extrasystoles, constrictions, angina pectoris, coronary insufficiencies. Strong pulse, palpitations, excitations, anguish and oppression of the...
R12 Multojodin Drops For Arteriosclerosis - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Indications: General arteriosclerosis and hypertonia. Cerebral arteriosclerosis, aortic and coronary sclerosis, nephrosclerosis, dysbasia, abdominal dyspragia. Senility, weak memory, congestion of blood, vertigo, forgetfulness, tendency towards apoplexy and its consequences, predisposition...
Avena Sativa Ø, 20ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,180
Avena Sativa is a effective nerve and brain tonic hence very useful in relieving stress. It is used for nervous exhaustion, and acts as best tonic after exhausting diseases. Avena...
Thuja Occidentalis Ø, 20ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,180
Thuja Occidentalis is primarily used to treat rheumatic and arthritic pains and improves mobility. It can also be used to treat infections of the skin and formation of warts and...
Hepar Sulphuris 200, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 820
Hepar Sulphur Dilution is helpful against glandular inflammation and eruptions. It relieves bleeding from the mouth and is effective against mouth and gum pains. It helps in reducing painful neck...
Gelsemium Sempervirens 200, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 820
This medicine is a deep acting remedy for patients suffering from anxiety related syndromes and lonesome problems. Gelsemium Sempervirens are recommended for patients having headaches with double vision or vertigo...
Causticum Hahneman 200, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 820
The drug works very well to soothe the lymph glands, sinusitis and hypotension. Ailments related to head, eyes, nose and abdomen is treated using it. It has a lot of...
Vanadium 30, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 740
Vanadium is used for treating diabetes, low blood sugar, high cholesterol, heart disease, tuberculosis, syphilis, a form of “tired blood” (anemia), and water retention (edema); for improving athletic performance in...
Podophyllum 30, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 740
Likely Effective for. A sexually transmitted infection that can lead to genital warts or cancer (human papillomavirus or HPV). Applying podophyllum resin (podophyllin) to the skin is effective for removing...
Aesculus Hipp.30, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 740
Aesculus hippocastanum (horse chestnut) has been used for centuries as a treatment for dysentery, bronchitis, hemorrhoids, and venous problems in folk medicine. Clinical studies support its use in chronic venous...
R88 Devirol Anti-Viral Drop - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,670
Indications: Any viral type disease such as Measles, Mononucleosis, Herpes, flu. Ingredients: Carophyllus aromaticus D 3, Coxsakie D 30, D 60, D 200, Diphterinum D 30, D 60, D 200,...
R78 Ocuvit Drops for Eye Care - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,270
Chronic conjunctivitis, blepharitis, Hordolam, catarrhal conjunctivitis, eosinophils, epilepsy, diplopia, incipient catarrh. Mode of action of main Ingredients: Aconitum: Analgesic. Apis mellifica: Stabbing pain, epidemic conjunctivitis. Belladonna: Conjunctivitis, blepharitis. Euphorbia cyparissias: Irritation of the mucous...
R55 Rutavine Drops For Injury - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Injuries of all types, fracture, luxation, sprain, concussion of brain, wounds caused by fire-arms or sharp weapons, involving bleeding. May be used as a complementary remedy in feverish infections, sepsis,...
R4 Enterocolin for Diarrhoea - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Indications Acute and chronic gastro-entero-colitis of all types. Summer diarrhoea after a chill or faulty diet. Intestinal catarrh, intestinal influenza, diarrhoea with fever,typhoid fever, dysentery. Mode of Action of Main...
R34 Calcossin Drops for Recalcifying - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Dr. Reckeweg R 34 drops is homeopathic medicine to treat symptoms of calcium deficiency through a proprietary blend of several homeopathic herbs (available in drops). It has key Ingredients like...
R3 for Heart - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Indications Heart insufficiencies of a light to medium degree, with a tendency towards oedema. Myocardial weakness in cases of valvular heart diseases. Dilatations. Post-infectious myocardial weakness. Degenerative processes of the...
R187 Neuralgic Drops for Headache - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 2,230
Neuralgic pains in the area of the head, originating in the ears and teeth; trigeminal neuralgia. Facial neuralgia after expose to cold. Mode of action of main Ingredients: With different...
R131 Drops for Carduus Hepatic (Hepatitis) - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,390
Cirrhosis of the Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice, Pancreatic Dysfunction. Chronic Liver Disease due to high intake of alcohol and strong medications like anti lipid, anti hypertensive drugs etc. Mode of action...
Graphites 200, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 810
Dr. Reckeweg Graphites Dilution is a homeopathic remedy that is prepared from the black lead. This medicine is used to treat the symptoms of hypothyroidism, burning in the base of...
Phytolacca Decandra 30, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 740
Phytolacca Decandra 30 can be used effectively for the treatment of sore throat, cold and glandular swellings. It provides relief from pain in the throat that causes difficulty swallowing food,...
Calcarea Carbonica 30, 11ml - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 740
Calcarea Carbonica enhances the work of the body functions. It is useful in swelling of glands and chronic lung infections. Oral problems such as toothache and bleeding of gums can...
R77 Fumacin Drops for Anti-Smoking - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,270
Indications: For withdrawal of smokers, smokers hangover, headache caused by smoking too much and thus arisen vasoconstriction, nausea, pain in the stomach, constipation, arrhythmic palpitation (beating of the heart), liver...
R70 Prosopalgin Drops for Neuralgia - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Indications: Neuralgias in various areas. Trigeminal - and facial neuralgia. Neuritis. Mode of action of main Ingredients All remedies are homeopathic to neuralgic pains, particular by appertaining to the cranium....
R63 Endangitin Drops For Impaired Circulation - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 980
Indications: Peripheral vascular disturbances, acroparaesthesia, endangiitis obliterans, intermittent claudication, Raynaud's disease, cramps in calf muscles, diseases of veins. Mode of action of main Ingredients: Adrenalinum: Spasmolytic, acting on the muscular...
R58 Vernadon Drops For Oedema - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Muscular weakness of the heart and appearance of hydropsy and oedema of the legs. Hydropsy in the abdomen frequently due to the muscular weakness of the heart. May also be...
R47 Neuroglobin Drops For Hysteric Complaints - Dr. Reckeweg
PKR 1,170
Indications: Hysteric ball. Constrictions and disturbances from the stomach up to the throat. Sensitivity to noises nervosity and hysteria of women. Other hysteric sensations, suffocating during the night, throbbing and...