- Supports healthy prostate function.
Nutrifactor's Prozon is clinically proven for men's health, especially in later years. It has been traditionally used to support prostate and urinary health and helps maintain healthy prostate functions and healthy aging.
Saw Palmetto helps to protect from excessive DHT and estrogen levels. It contains essential fatty acids and plant sterols that help to stimulate testosterone production. As men age, their bodies produce less testosterone, leading to hair loss and muscle & tissue wastage.
Saw Palmetto can help to turn back the clock and support your body's testosterone levels. It is most suitable for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Prostate Enlargement, Male pattern baldness & Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) symptoms like getting up frequently at night to go to the toilet. Trouble getting urine flow to start. Taking longer to urinate because your urine flow is weak or it stops and starts.
- Provide holistic support to normal prostate size and regulates urine flow
- It helps to maintains healthy prostate functions with healthy aging
- Helps to reduce BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia) symptoms
- May helps to promote healthy & shiny hair growth as a proven natural testosterone booster for men.